Monday 20 July 2015


Hello guys! Welcome to our blog!
My name is Emma, and I am sharing this blog with Olivia. But you can call us Em & Liv. We are starting a new diet plan tomorrow, so we decided to make a blog all about it!

About us

Emma: Emma is interested in writing, photography, and the arts. In her free time she likes: watching YouTube, reading, biking, swimming, hiking or doing yoga. 

Olivia: Olivia loves fashion designing and photography. Like Emma, she also bikes, swims, and draws. She also figure skates and skateboards in her free time!

Both girls love music, and singing. 

Our diets:

Emma: I am going on a slightly alltered PALEO diet. This basically means I won't be eating: dairy, gluten/wheat, and sugar. I will also be staying away from all meats, with the exception of chicken/turkey and sometimes salmon. 
Reasons: I have a lot of problems with getting sick easily  gluten and dairy sensitivity runs in our family so I want to go off of both to see if it makes me feel better. I'm going off of sugar because it's bad for you, nobody should consume too much of it. I'm going off of most meats because I've not eaten red meats since I was around 8 years old. It's just something I don't like eating because of some things I've heard about it from online and such. 

Olivia: I will be going off of: all meats, all animal based products (eggs, butter etc), dairy, sugar and gluten. This is a mix between RAW///VEGAN. 
Reasons: I don't really have much of a reason behind my choices. I just wanted to try out a healthier lifestyle! I also love animals, so maybe that's a reason why I'm going to be vegan. 

Our lifestyle
Along with changing our diets, me and Liv will be doing other things to become healthier! These include things like:
+sleeping earlier at night
+drinking A LOT of water

We also have a Pinterest account for our healthy eating! 
We post our daily meal plans, with pictures on there. We also post recipes, excercise routines and other things that may help us out! Please follow for more posts like this. 

Thanks for reading! Come back tomorrow for day 1 of our food dieting journey!
~Emma xx

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